The Late Bishop Ross P. Paddock

Paddock_RPBishop Ross P. Paddock was born on a farm in Van Buren County, Michigan on March 9, 1907 to Archie Sinclair and Edith Gertrude Paddock. He was the second of three children born to this union. Later, his family moved to Kalamazoo, County where he lived for the remainder of his life. When Ross was about seventeen years old, he met a young lady, Frances Celia Taylor. On July 8, 1924 they were married. They became the proud parents of twelve children.

Ross’ earliest recollections of hearing the gospel was at a small country church located in Kalamazoo, Michigan where he went to Sunday School. His parents kept him in church wherever they attended. This gave Ross the opportunity to observe the ways of churchmen of various groups. He acquired a hunger for God at the age of thirteen, but the church had nothing to offer him, so he drifted from that early resolve, and afterwards became very critical of the methodology of Christianity.

At the age of eighteen, Ross became so disgusted with hypocrisy in the church that he vowed he would never again go to any church. For three years he kept to that promise, but then he found himself one night in a small store-front mission on Parsdons Street in Kalamazoo. Bishop A. William Lewis was the Evangelist for the meeting. Ross listened as Bishop Lewis described his sinful condition, and made him to feel that his feet were placed under the wrong table. The devil’s table. He was convicted! But became so angry that he wanted to choke Bishop Lewis.

Once again he vowed never again to attend church. However, the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, so, through some unusual circumstances, about five months later, Ross was led into a small country mission a few miles out of town. After attending services there for about two months his resistance was completely gone. The gospel hook had been set, and all that remained was to reel in the fish. On January 1, 1929, Ross P. Paddock was baptized in Jesus’ Name at a little church located in Battle Creek, Michigan. They had to break the ice in order to baptize him. About thirty-six days later, on February 5, 1929, he received the gift of the Holy Ghost, and immediately began to tell the good news to everyone he came in contact with. From that time on, his interest, and love for the Scriptures were very great.

In a matter of days his entire family was saved. His wife, mother, father, sister, and brother with their companions were among his first converts. From the outset of his receiving the Holy Ghost, Ross spent many nights studying his Bible. Five months later he conducted his first service. Two were baptized that night, and one received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. From that night on, novice though he was, he kept endeavoring to preach the gospel.

Soon afterward, his pastor was killed in an accident. The saints would have elected Ross for their pastor at that time but he refused because he knew that his short experience did not yet fit him for the position. Five years later they were once again in need of a pastor. The church was almost completely destroyed by the sins of the former pastor. On December 4, 1934 Bishop S.N. Hancock came, and held an election in which Ross became the pastor of the small assembly, then known as Blessed Promise Assembly. Shortly after becoming the pastor, Elder Paddock purchased some property at 740 Riverside Drive. The church was renamed to Christ Temple Church. The new church was dedicated in 1950. He served as pastor of Christ Temple for thirty-seven and one half years.

After becoming the pastor of Blessed Promise Assembly, Elder Paddock became a member of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ. In September of 1938, he applied for credentials with the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. In August, 1952 he was elevated to the office of Bishop, and was assigned the following year to the Mountain State Council as its Diocesan. At the Convention held in August, 1953 Bishop Paddock was elected Assistant Presiding Bishop of the PAW, which position he held for fourteen years. He was appointed Diocesan Bishop over the State of Michigan in 1962, and remained in that position until August, 1988.

In 1967, he was destined to move even higher. Following the passing of Bishop Samuel Grimes, Bishop Paddock was elected Presiding Bishop to fill the unexpired term. He was elected to two full terms, in 1968, and again in 1971, as Presiding Bishop of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. Bishop Paddock’s last message to the church when he retired as pastor on June 4, 1972 was like that of the apostle Paul, “I have held back nothing profitable unto you”. His last message preached to Christ Temple was on July 15, 1990. His subject was taken from the book of Revelation, “I am afraid”.

God called this great warrior home, Monday, September 17, 1990, with his wife, and children at his side. He has been greatly missed in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, and the entire constituency of the PAW.

Published on July 31, 2009 at 6:40 pm  Comments (18)  

18 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. I Wish we could get his tapes on dvd.

    • You and I both, we still can learn so much from these generals, though they have gone on to be with the Lord.

    • We have Bishop Paddock messages available on CD, if that helps you at all. check out

      We have Church Government, Principles of the Doctrine, Disciples of Christ, False Spirits, and more coming soon. We also have a compilation of all of his writings available.

      • I am also a Paddockite, I follow and teach the teachings that the LORD Jesus gave him and G.T. Haywood. I’ve been listening to him and reading their material for over thirty years. I’m interested in CD’s

  2. Bishop R.P. Paddock came to visit our church back in the 1970’s and was given to teach our Wednesday night bible class. This was rare, because generally, no one was given that mantle, unless our pastor was out of town etc. (My then pastor Bishop James A. Johnson is a master teacher) But, this warrior was a mentor to the masters and he taught us for hours on end. My Mom was taking notes vigorously, to capture any and all of the gems that Bishop Paddock was sharing. I also remember, even as a young child, that this man did not hold back AT ALL. He told the WHOLE truth period, and did not care that some things he said stepped on my pastors toes. I will never forget that, and I believe that is what God is calling for

  3. I met Bishop Paddock summer 1989 at Christ Temple Church Kalamazoo Mi. after a Sunday eve service while on Military leave from Ft Hood Tx. He shook my hand and began to tell everything about me then asked when did we meet. I said that was my first time being there at CTC and that I never had met him before. He looked puzzled and so was I for a moment then he went on with his greetings. How did he know all about me? Recently I was listening to a tape recorded in 1989, bishop was teaching at the Mass. state council and told of our meeting. He said God showed him everything about me in a dream or vision prior to meeting me. After almost 22 years I finally understood it. Bishop was the master teacher, and had a walk with God that I admire. I continue to study his writtings and listen to the tapes. We must not lose our identity as Apostolics.

  4. when i was young,bishop paddock came to teach bibleclass at out church here in jackson,mich…at the time…i was probably 11 or 12 yrs of age..didnt take advantage of the teachings and wasnt appreciative of the gems he was giving the church. now i really regret that to this day,however..if i can get ahold of some of his teachings..i would be most happy!

    • I think I used to attend thart very same church,lamar.Bishop Combs is a good teacher. He spoke highly of Bishop Paddock.My wife used to be in the choir there.I miss worshipping there.It seemed like I was riding in a cadilac .Ijust got saved and was struggling with holiness.Well,I feel like an old man in the Faith if you will now.

  5. I hold dear in my heart and soul all that he has taught through men like Bishop Swancy, pastor of Peace Apostolic Church in Carson CA. SAINTS one day we’ll see JESUS and all the saints that have went on before us. Many don’t believe in the importance of baptism in JESUS name though it was clearly done in Acts… I thank GOD for men like Bishop Paddock. I heard him speak in Los Angeles at Bishop Smith’s church before he went on to be with JESUS our GOD & SAVIOR…

  6. When I heard him preach and teach I was in awe….. He never once spoke of prosperity but instead he taught of things to come, gave teachings of types and shadows of Christ from the Old Testament and spoke of the Rapture in a way I have never heard. He reminded me of Paul as Bishop Paddock spoke of the reality of how we are pilgrims and the reality of being caught up in the Rapture….

  7. Ross Paddock was my great grandfather. The last wedding he ever performed was my mother’s. I never got to meet him because he died three years before I was born, but my mother and grandfather talk very highly of him. He was a great man and it’s amazing to see things like this. His picture hangs on the wall of my grandpa’s living room. I only wish I could have gotten a chance to meet him before he died. My first son is going to be named after him.

      L. SNOW

  8. Greeting In the mighty Name of JESUS! I Thank my LORD and Savior
    JESUS CHRIST for allowing me to be exposed to Bishop Paddocks messages on tape and through the internet. He is a great preacher, teacher, and man of GOD! My Pastor
    Bishop Howard Swancy speaks highly of him .I have to wait to I get to
    heaven to worship GOD with the saints like Bishop Paddock and Bishop Frank Bowdan.Thank you
    JESUS !!!!!!!

  9. This was my mentor, and in my option the finest bible teacher of our times!!!

    • My name is Steven Flemming my comment was posted at 3:18 PM on July 13 on sorry on June 13, 2014. Bishop Paddock was my mentor. A man that I love very dearly, and who has meant so much to so many ministers. In my opinion he was probably the finest Bible teacher of modern-day.

  10. Were can the public access CD’s and DVD’s of his teachings?

    • I am a Paddockite, learned much in truth from him in the way. He was a true teacher of God

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