If You See A Brother Or Sister In A Fault (2011)

hearts-coloredI once was a very judgmental person on some issues that people face in their lives.  As hard as I am in my teachings for an example on the matter of divorce and remarriage, I now understand the desire to want to get married again, especially when one is of a young age.  But there was a time, I didn’t care, just struggle for the rest of your days.  But when my turn came and I had martial issues,  though I couldn’t change the Word of God to fit my situation, but I understood it better when one gets married again, be it in the will or God or not. 

What I am saying that we all have issues, we all have struggles, no matter how saved we are, there are things that we all struggle with.   The Apostle Paul had a humility problem, so much that God had to give him a throne in the flesh to keep him humble.  The Apostle Peter had anger issues and carried a knife, and a  bigot, so much that he just didn’t’ want to preach to the Gentiles, and God had to rebuke him and tell Peter, that which the Lord has cleaned, don’t he dare call unclean.  Then there is King David, who was the apple of God’s eye, yet he had a lust issues, so much he had a man killed in war on purpose so that he could have his wife.  All three great men of God, anointed men of God, yet all have issue.  And this may shock you and amaze you, but everyone who reads this or who don’t read this has issues as well.  Knowing this, this is the reason Paul taught us that we have to crucify our flesh, when…..daily.  Not every Sunday, or revival service, but daily, because we all got issues.  And since we all have issues, and not perfect, it may be our desire not to fall, but the there is the possibility that we might fall.   As Paul even taught his son in the gospel Timothy, when dealing with sick folks, to call the elders of the church and the prayer of faith shall heal them….and if they have committed sin (church folks) it shall be forgiven.   So we don’t encourage it, but it could happen, and the subject of this blog, how do we handle it if we see someone in sin.

Understand we are not God, but at the same time judgment does begin at the house of God, so God says to us, judge not unless ye be judge, by the same measure.  So when see a brother or sister, we are judge them as God judge our sins.  But what I have found that in the church that people don’t want God to judge others on the same playing field as He judge them.   But the Apostle Paul says if we see a brother or sister in a fault, to restore that one in meekness and in love.  Don’t gossip on them; don’t tear them down, don’t drag them through the mud, but to restore them, bring life to them again….how, in meekness and in love.

Restore them like Jesus handle the woman caught in the very act of adultery, go in peace and sin no more, restore them as Word of God states,  by letting them know that the Lord forgives them and will make them white as snow.  So many have been hurt, wounded, even killed in their spirit, in the name of the Lord, because we forgot how the Lord forgave us in our sins.   How we too was lost in sin, but Jesus took us in, as even in our saved state,  He gave us a second, a third, a forth, chance.  So this is the message of the Cross that God so loved that he forgave.  So if you see a brother or sister, or even me in a fault, so tear me down, don’t talk about me, but restore me, restore that person in meekness and in love, the love of God.  

Published on September 14, 2011 at 6:26 am  Comments (3)  

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Nice. enjoyed that

  2. Thank you for this article, because I once had fallen from grace and yes, the LORD did discipline me. Those whom he loves, he corrects, and of course I had to REPENT and return to my first LOVE.

  3. Good blog, and give an example of HOW to say it in meekness and love, please, to a Christian who is shacking up with someone, living in sexual sin?

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