Saved and Depression (2009)

One of the main issues with Church dealing with depression is self denial. How many has been told when dealing with a problem, “Just Praise Your Way Out Of It”, or When Praises Go Up, Blessings Come Down”. Now please don’t misunderstand me, I am not knocking the act of praises unto our God, during difficult times, as David said, I will bless the Lord at ALL times, but are we putting the cart before the horse, due to lack of knowledge. Through much prayer and experience, here is what I have found out as one who has and still deal with depression at times. And most of it  has been based upon knowledge of knowing some things, while living in the reality of the situation.


Since it is not God’s will for is to worry, or to be stressed, even to the point of suicide, then it must be a demonic state from Hell. As Satan mission has always been the same, and we as believers must know his game plan.

  1. The father of lies
  2. Lion, Seeking to devour
  3. Steal, Kill, and Destroy (St. John 10:10)
  4. The Accuser of the Brethren (Revelation 12:10)
  5. Tempter (1st Thessalonians 3:5)
  6. Walking the earth (Job 1:7)
  7. Adversary

 Again, know your enemy, know his motive; it is his job to destroy your life, your children, and your relationship with God.


This is a hard one in the Body of Christ, as so much of us live in a world of self denial, all because we don’t want it to look as it we do not have faith in God. Thus we deny our problems in order to look saved, and live in this fantasy world that is not smart, nor biblical. We teach that as man speaketh, so is he, thus it is wrong to say that I am sick, or I am broke, or whatever the case might be. I hear so many “church folks” say, don’t claim it, Well! Don’t claim it, and it will claim it you. If I am sick, no amount of denying my sickness will change my sickness. Instead of not calming your sickness, spend more time on calming your healing. As I believe that is no need to know Jesus as healer, if I am saying that I am not sick, no need to know Him as a way maker, if my way is not difficult, and so on.  So if I am sick, or broke, depressed, or whatever, I don’t think myself as defeated, I think my heal, I think myself delivered, I think myself victorious. But it is no sin to admit we have a problem. Here are some cases of those who admitted to their problems and the Lord asking us to bring to Him our problems.

  1. David (Psalms 34:4)
  2. Daniel (Daniel 9:3-4)
  3. Hezekiah (2nd Chronicles 31:21)
  4. Paul (2ND Corinthians 12:7-10)
  5. Woman with Demonic Child (Mark 7:24-30)
  6. Woman with Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34; Matt 9:18-26; Luke 8:40-56)
  •  God asking us to bring Him our problems

Have you ever known a person that every time you see them, they come with a problem. Not that you are not compassionate to others problems, but we have our own problems, and do not want to hear others woes all the time. But listen to this, God wants you to bring to Him ALL; again, I say ALL of our problems.

  1. Psalms 55:22
  2. 1st Peter 5:7
  3. Matthew 11:28

But In the midst of every problem that we come in our life, one the most comforting thought that I can cherish is that GOD LOVES ME. No matter how it seems, no matter what I am going through, no matter who has come or gone, the ALMIGHTY GOD loves me. It’s not based upon how you feel about me, but He who is creator of all mankind, He who cannot lie nor fail, LOVES ME.

  1. John 3:16
  2. Romans 5:8
  3. Ephesians 2:4-5
  4. 1st John 3:1
  5.  1st John 4:19
  6.  Matthew 6:26
  7. Matthew 6:32
  8. 1st Peter 5:7

Know The Ability Of The God That Loves me And His promises, and not only do I take comfort that He loves me, but I also take comfort the ability of the One that loves me.

  1. Psalms 89:33
  2. Job 42: 2
  3. Matthew 19:36
  4. Luke 1:37
  5. Jude 24
  6. 2nd Peter

Now let us look at what we’ve have learned so far, we know who is trying to destroy us, and because we do not live in a world of denial, we know that we need God, and it’s OK to admit we have a need of Him. Matter of fact, the Lord wants us to bring our problems and cares to Him. Why! Because God loves me, He loves me, He loves me…and he loves you too. And He who loves me cannot fail, cannot lie, He is all powerful, all knowing, and all loving.

But one of the main reason that we should not worry to the point of depression or even worse, suicide, not only because He loves me, but also who I am in Christ Jesus, my Lord, My God, and My Savior.

Once we learned that we are more than a conquer in Christ, we are the Head and not the tail, that we shall lend and not borrow, you can tell problems and sorrows, and the demons of DEPRESSION and SUCICIDE, in the Name of Jesus, I rebuke. For those who are born again have a right to used the Name that is above all other names, above the name of depression, above the name of suicide, above the name of saddens, above the name of loneliness, and all other names. And when we called upon the NAME OF JESUS, those demons that have told me that I will failed, that have told me to kill myself, that told me that no one loves me, well they gotta go. Because daemons tremble at the sound of that name, what name you might ask, the NAME OF JESUS.


  1. Proverbs 18:2
  2. Mark 11:22-23
  3. Romans 14:7
  4. Psalm 107:20

Now we know who we are and we know the ability of whom we are, we know scriptures to back it up, but yet the problems that cause the depression still exist, so what do we do next. Did not you know that in your mouth, you can speak life or death, speak those things that are not as though they are? And so what we’ve learn, speak the word.

Dismissal or and pink slip on the desk, speak to it, ‘HE WILL SUPPLY MY NEEDS ACCRODING TO HIS RICHES IN GLORY. Sickness in your body, speak to it, I SERVE THE GOD THAT HEALTHE THEE. Sin in your past that has you held in bondage; speak to it, HE IS FAITHFUL AND JUST TO FORVIVE ME OF ALL OF MY SINS AND UNRIGHTOUSNESS. Whatever your mountain in your life is, I declare unto you by the word God and through the authority of the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to speak to it, and according to the Word of God, not Byron, it shall be done away with. Speak into your life words of healing, prosperity, words of life, tell the Devil, I shall live and not die. Christ came to give me life and life more abundantly, and from this day forth, (whatever day you are reading this) I won’t accept anything less.


In opening of the lesson, I have told you that there have been times I have fought the battle of depression, even thought of killing myself. Church folks weren’t no help, they told me saved folks don’t feel that way, thus it made me feel less than saved. But when I read my bible, I saw that many of the things that I was feeling, many heroes of faith, went through the same thing. Don’t you think that not that for one moment that the opening struggles of Agape Way of the Cross Church, when many of those who started their church along with me are succeeding, the devil have whispered to me, I am going to fail. Friends, love ones, and family members who I thought would be there, have walked away, choose to help others. Does it hurt, yes! I cannot lie, does it makes me sad, sure do, I live in the real world. It gets me down and makes me sad. I hurt, I cry, I feel pain just like everyone else, salvation has not remove the human emotions that we all have.

But in the midst of my tears, I  can go before the Lord with all my cares, knowing all the time what I am going through is nothing more the trick of the enemy. I go before the Lord knowing that He loves me and He cares, and that He will do what He says. So in the midst of every problem I have learned, even while the problem is there, while the pain is there, while the saddens is there, to give Him glory and thank Him in advance. Shout while they are walking away, shout while the pink slip in my hand, shout when my money is short, and all the time I have not lied or deny that the problems exist. But He, who lives in me, is bigger than the problem. And yes! It’s a struggle, and up and down emotional roller coaster, but in the end, I know that I shall win. And you shall also. Tell the devil, I SHALL LIVE AND NOT DIE. For my mind is on Jesus and I have perfect peace, a peace that passes all understanding. For what I have learn that depression is nothing but a state of mind, so just keep your mind on the Lord and think of His goodness. So watch your thought patterns, keep your mind on the things of the Lord and the blessings that He has for those who serve him. Remember speak to your problems; you have the Holy Ghost and the Word inside of you. Speak those things which abides. Stay in the perfect peace of the Lord Jesus and again remember…

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8)

Published on January 21, 2009 at 10:11 pm  Comments (7)  

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7 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Depression is an illness-sometimes caused by a chemical imbalance- that is not controlled by positive thinking. Would you suggest that a diabetic or someone with heart disease control their illness with positive thinking?

    • Just like any illness, any doctor would tell you that positive thinking plays a big part in the recovery. But I would not dare tell anyone to just think positive “alone” and nothing else. The Lord has placed doctors here to be a help to us in our illness, be it mental or physical.

      But if one is a believer is the Lord Jesus Christ, you got to believer that no matter what I am going through, He will bring me through it because He loves me, and He would loves me has said He would supply my needs, He who loves me said He would keep me in perfect peace who “mind” is stayed on me. So as man (or woman) thinks so is he, so one must have a mindset, not be in denial, but a mindset that what ever I going through, whatever path He decides to take me, I am coming out of this…again, that is if one is a believer of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  2. This is nonsense. Since we can demonstrate genetic vulnerability to depression, does that mean that a depressed person is the spawn of the Devil? Maybe genetics studies are a tool of the Devil?

    • First of all thank you for your answer. I am not debating your opinion of how one get depress, though some go through a event that leads to depression and like you said, some are because of genetic reasons. What am I trying to do is to help one seek the answer once that are depressed. To deal with the state that are in and not act as though are not, however they got there. And that answer is Christ Jesus. It was for me and countless of others who who are believers. But again, I do thank you for your thoughts, I do not have all the answers, but I do know someone who is the answer.

  3. Thank you for writing the blog. I got up this morning feeling down & depressed. I have battle depression before when i lost everything. I didn’t have that relationship w/God like i have now. But, sometimes even now, i still feel like i am fighting a losing battle. This has given me so much strength to know that i am not in this alone. I thank God for the prayers that was sent up for me on today. My father is not doing well & he gets really down, which in turn i get down. Thank you once again for explaining that it is ok to get depress, but not to stay there.

  4. The person with clinical depression finds that there is not always a logical reason for their dark feelings. Exhortations from well-meaning friends and family for them to “snap out of it” provide only frustration, for they can no more “snap out of it” than a diabetic can will his pancreas to produce more insulin.

    An article by Nancy Schimelpfening

  5. I thank you for this article, I have a daughter who is suffering from depression. She is also bio-polar. I continue to love her with the love of JESUS and I pray for her mental state. Yes there is power in the Name of Jesus. Please pray for her daughter who is six years old and the doctor (psychiatrist) said she has ADHD. We really don’t want to give her medicine, to me it’s a drug to dope up our children. Thank you.

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