I Do Until I Don’t No More “PART 2” (2008)

I am what I am and I hold no apologies in my beliefs. Though I am very liberal in my witnessing the gospel to the lost, I am very conservative in my beliefs in my walk with the Lord. I don’t believe in women pastors and being ordained into the ministry, I believe a that a woman should have their head covered in church if they plan to pray or prophesize and once again, I am very conservative in my beliefs in divorce and remarriage…..which bring us back to that touchy subject.

A while back I wrote a blog entitled…..I DO UNTIL I DON’T KNOW MORE. And while I agree whole heartily that divorces and remarriages outside the will of God will not send one to Hell, nevertheless there is a way that seem right to man. So we must get away from the mind set its OK, if it doesn’t send me to Hell, but more to the mind that I “want” to please God.

A few weeks ago, I was sitting in the waiting room at Prince Georges County Community Hospital in Cheverly, Maryland (my hometown) while visiting my mother in law who was admitted there. While there I came across a copy of Charisma Magazine (March 2008) which asked the question, “Does Anybody Believe Marriage Is Still Sacred?” And after reading it, it only strengthen what I believe more and more, and that is there is a divorce demon that has gotten into the church and the church as become to lax in its preaching against it. It brothers me when I hear that pastors have been married two and three times, and then try to stand before God’s people and teach how to build a Christian home, as we have become more like the world, the world less like us, in the problems solving that comes into our homes.

The article wrote by Lisa Jones Townsel wrote how church leaders such as Juanita Bynum and her husband, Bishop Thomas W. Weeks III, along with Randy and Paula White, both couples who have taught numerous seminars on how to have a Godly marriage, yet when it came to put up or shut up, they both drop the ball.

With so much power and prophetic gifts it seems that church leaders would have known how to save their marriage, or at least God would have told them not to marry someone before the vows……as all four (The Whites and the Weeks) have been divorced before. At least once out of the two or three times church leaders are being married, it seems God would have said something. And if the leaders can’t get it right, if the church can’t get it right, then how the world do we expect the world to respect the church.

For the divorce rate of church leaders has caused a domino effect says the article, as Senior Pastor Tony Evans of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas Texas has said, and I quote. “When a preacher’s marriage fails I say that our (gospel) message isn’t as quite powerful as we claim it to be” Pastor Evans goes on to say that the weakness of the world has influence the church and we must reverse the trend. U.S. Census confirms that just about half of all marriages end in divorce. A study conducted by Barna Research Group, which track lifestyle trends from a Christian perspective, “I DO UNTIL I DON’T KNOW MORE”.


Published on December 12, 2008 at 5:21 pm  Leave a Comment  

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